I Just watched...The Green Hornet

Green Hornet

I finally got around to watching the green hornet staring Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz and Cameron Diaz. This modern telling of 1930s radio program was meant to bring the old and the new together, something all audiences could like. One of my favorite shows Mythbusters even spent an entire episode devoted to it which could mean only one thing right? Wrong, everything is wrong and find out why after the break.

When I booted this movie up I wasn’t expecting Avatar or The English Patient and I was defiantly right. This movie is crap. It has shitty dialogue shitty pacing and the story is lame. Especially dialogue heavy scenes between the main two characters are just so gut wrenchingly horrible I wanted to turn the movie off about 20 times. This was supposed to be a Comedy but I barely laughed at the jokes, and the only thing that made me smile was Christoph Waltz of Inglorious Bastards fame trying to be a mega criminal. He did have a cool double barrel gun that he makes himself and that is the coolest part of the movie. Blaaaaa never a good sign.

It touches on some serious issues like journalistic integrity and political corruption but with Seth making stupid jokes and his heh heh heh laugh its all just stupid. This movie is not worth the bandwidth it takes to stream or download and the only way I would suggest you view this is if some stupid relative or friend was crazy enough to buy it or if you found a copy of it in your mail box one day.

Theater: No
Download: No
Stream: No
Buy: No
Pass: Yes


Nom de Plume said...

2 out of 10? OUCH!

ReDDoT said...

I disliked the movie as it didnt really seem to cater to any crowd.

Catherine said...

I saw the previews and I thought to myself, "That looks like another Spiderman 3. Pass."

Mostaza Algernon said...

Eh, I sort of enjoyed it.
Seth Rogen doesn't do a good job in it, I have no idea who Cameron Diaz is, but I suspect she's the obligatory shit love interest, which I absolutely hate, but it was an okay way to pass the time.

rakoth said...

Looks bad, indeed, haven't seen it though.

Alpha said...

Rogan's laugh annoys me, as well.

Athanasian Complexio said...

Yeah, I heard from a lot of my friends it wasn't that great. They said the only entertaining part was the Asian guy doing flips and shit and kicking ass.

LoneIslander said...

Never got to see it, guess I won't bother now.

Stuck In Syndey said...

seth was ok its not one of his better movies

Anonymous said...

dude its like really old. and the movie is like not really good.

Quwel said...

totally agree its an absolutely crap film ive still not made it thought it yet it bored the hell out of me

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