Question of the Day: Drawings of the body

Well yesterday was long and difficult but resulted in some great interviews. We interviewed four separate people in three great locations each with very unique challenges! We talked with the owner of 3 Gyros about how competing in the salad dressing market was hard but very rewarding. He had a cool greek tattoo which leads to my question of the day!

"Do you have any tattoos and if so what are they of?"

I have a large tattoo of a traditional irish symbol on my left shoulder as you can see above. That pic was taken about 2 minutes so excuse my tiredness and how im still in bed. My woman steph also thought it would be fantastic to draw hearts on me last night so i now have a temp tattoo of a giant heart on my chest. Got a lot of great comments about your sleep schedule, some of you have crazy like mine but many of you manage to have some semblance of a normal schedule. Comment of the day from yesterday come from Das Auto 

"I sleep about 3-4 hours a night during the week... but i usually get up around 5 or 6PM on saturday. probably not too healthy"

Tell me about your body designs or lack of, and you could be featured in tomorrows question of the day!


Tsipise said...

Not one tattoo, no earrings, no jewelry, too. The only that would count as jewelry is my wedding ring. I never take it off. (exception: I was in an operation last year, I had to take it off then)

Anonymous said...

I have no tattoos atm but one day I might get a full sleeve :)

The Facts of Vidya said...

I have a black rose and thorns design with the kanji for the soul on my left inner arm, and four different symbols that mean things to me on my inner right arm.

All easily hidden for work purposes :). I also want something on my chest but don't know what yet.

Suciô Sanchez said...

None. I like to be able to change my wallpaper from time to time.

Suzana said...

Nope, no tattoos. I am waiting until I get a job and can pay for it all by myself.
I would get "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" written somewhere (which I know is weird, since it's French) or a string of rainbow stick people on my wrist.

erics said...

i'm thinking of getting ink of a tribal print on my lower back. i'm pretty sure it's never been done before.

Anonymous said...


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