At first, I thought it was the guy who was creepy. Then, I realized it was the cow. Then he started touching children and I thought it was creepy again.
I'm a 3rd year communications student at the University of Windsor. I'm in the advance program there and enjoy making movies, watching movies, playing music, listening to music, playing halo and having a good time.
uh....why. lol. this was indeed creepy as fk.
Excellent blog! Enjoyed reading it, keep them posts coming =)
eww that is indeed pretty creepy
At least, he made me laugh, but he's creepy i agree
That is VERY strange!
One creepy dude. At least he does the ass-out-hug so he can't be accused of being a pedo.
what a freak!
that was too creepy, where do you find this things?
At first, I thought it was the guy who was creepy. Then, I realized it was the cow. Then he started touching children and I thought it was creepy again.
Yeah really, WHAT?
Yea thats pretty odd
That's almost as bad as Crispin H. Glovers "What Is It?"
He looks like a nice respectable member of society, give a man a break! haha
What did I just watch?
i feel like there is more child molesting in this video than if peewee had a sleepover at a boys' scout camp
Oh...this is one from the other day...yes...creeeeeeepy indeed!
very odd
its amazing to think that flickr will have 5 million while facebook will have 100 billion
What the hell..?
That is.. so scary o.O
there is something wrong with that man, and not just that his pants are way to tight
hahahha omg lol
fuck! that1s really kinda creepy! :O +following and supporting
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