Yeah that's okay with me that they do that though. I would never bad mouth a past employer and I don't use alcohol or drugs, and even if I did I'd have the common sense not to broadcast that stuff all over the internet. It doesn't bother me that facebook does stuff like this because that's part of why it's free. +followed
Things like this piss me off. Seriously, the world is doing bad enough as it is. I can tell this will be the terrible toll of greedy jerks in the making. Soon, they'll unveil a company which wipes out all negative aspects of your social record.....and as I recall: social networking is supposed to be about expressing yourself.
Fuck these dickhead ass employers then.
P.S. Nice post. Helped me to rage at the fruit system even further.
I'm a 3rd year communications student at the University of Windsor. I'm in the advance program there and enjoy making movies, watching movies, playing music, listening to music, playing halo and having a good time.
nice post I'll keep this in mind. However I am not a social butterfly on the internet so i should be good
Yeah that's okay with me that they do that though. I would never bad mouth a past employer and I don't use alcohol or drugs, and even if I did I'd have the common sense not to broadcast that stuff all over the internet. It doesn't bother me that facebook does stuff like this because that's part of why it's free.
Set your facebook to super private before that big interview I guess.
this is troubling.
Freedom of information sure, but this would violate some rights would it not? What ever happened to anonymity online?
Things like this piss me off.
Seriously, the world is doing bad enough as it is.
I can tell this will be the terrible toll of greedy jerks in the making. Soon, they'll unveil a company which wipes out all negative aspects of your social record.....and as I recall: social networking is supposed to be about expressing yourself.
Fuck these dickhead ass employers then.
P.S. Nice post. Helped me to rage at the fruit system even further.
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